Saturday, March 1, 2008

Out Back

It's been a few days. Things have been crazy around here. We had a busy week, and Timmy got sick. HOW SAD! He has a double ear infection, one of which ruptured. But as of today his fever has broke and I think he is starting to feel human again. Today we spent the afternoon picking out seeds and plants at the store. Then we spent the evening out back planting. Hopefully it will all take, if so we will have some yummy fruits & veggies fresh from our back yard. The kids had LOTS of fun helping Dave poke holes for the seeds. Hope everyone else is havinga wonderful weekend!


Bennett Fam said...

The kids look like they are enjoying the nice weather. It was good to talk to you yesterday.

Sara said...

Wow, my kids were playing the snow today for an hour AND the weather was a miraculous 65 degrees, but we still have snow :) just not as much. I want to garden already! How cool! Sorry about Timmy's ear. Try the Miracle Swimmers Ear drops. Sis Kolle told me about them and they take away earaches forever. Yeah!