It seems these blog posts are falling on my priority list, because now almost 3 weeks have gone by...I guess it's mostly me, when I get a free 5 minutes these days I'm quick to hit the bed or couch instead of hopping on the computer to update things. This preggo thing is wearing me out, and I'm only past 25 much more to go! Oh well, it will be worth it! So enough about me, here's what we've been up to...
First off, we have been having some really nice weather. Of course, it has been unpredictable and will go from nice have your windows open to hurry shut everything and the AC is crankin all within 24 hours. But hey that's Texas for you. We have taken advantage of the cool days, and spent a lot more time in our back yard. The kids have probably played on the swingset and tramp more these past 3 weeks than all summer combined! One day they decided to have jumping contest and see who could jump the most, and Jimmy even "kept score" Sorry this picture is blurry but is says James 230, Addy 475, and Timmy 83. Jimmy went first and thought he had it in the bag, so when he started to feel a bit worn stopped. He was definately shocked when Addy not only beat him but doubled him! She was determined that day! Timmy of course just wanted to be like them and joined in.
Once again we've been busy with soccer, practice every Thursday and games every other Saturday. We had games on the 10th, and again today on the 24th. Today was really nice weather and we enjoyed being out there. I haven't downloaded today's pictures yet, but here are a few from the 10th of my little soccer stars...
Here's Timmy (on the right) jumping up in the air, he was so excited he kicked the game ball, you can see it right behind the other kid.
Jimmy is doing really well in school, he's actually just been recommended for the GT program. I didn't even know they had it so young. Anyways, he's supposed to be tested next month to see if he'll go into the program. He is doing really well, and has been happy to report every Friday that he got a 100 on his spelling test. Jimmy (& Dave) have still been going strong with the community cub scout troop, with a meeting/activity once a week. They also spent most of Saturday the 17th in front of Sam's selling popcorn (the boy scout fundraiser). They seem to really be enjoying themselves and making new friends.
He has also been interested in using the potty here lately, as you can see he's sporting underwear in the one picture. That has been an adventure, but he's getting better each day. It's a lot of energy on my part, but I keep reminding myself once he's done we'll save on pull-ups!
he had a hat, but didn't really keep it on...
This week's playgroup actually got cancelled but I took them anyways. It was a story time at a local pumpkin patch. They had lots of fun, there was singing, and a story, and tons of pumpkins! They definately weren't camera shy this day! I think they touched or sat on every pumpkin there, and all along the way said cheese, take our picture!
And that has been the last 3 weeks in a nut shell!
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