The day before her birthday, I took Elly up to her old "home" the NICU at NCBH. We brought cupcakes, and a card to celebrate her birthday and say thanks to the awesome staff that helped us sooo much! Everyone was so surprised by how much our Little Elly had grown. Her actual birthday was on a Wednesday, so the kids and I had a small cake with Elly here at home to celebrate.
Round 2, and she's still not so sure about this cake thing.
Here she is all clean after her bath. She is wearing the pjs Grandma & Grandpa gave her, and playing with the doll Nana Kaye, and Papa Jim gave her.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Elly's Birthday
Posted by The Bergquist Fam at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Elly's Birthday Party
On October 27th Elly turned 1! We celebrated the weekend before with a family party in Bryan at Grandma & Grandpa's house. We had a LARGE turnout, in fact I think it was our biggest 1st Birthday celebration ever. We had the 6 of us (of course), Grandma, Grandpa, Nana Kaye, Papa Jim, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Laura, Doug, Lesley, Nana Cindy, Papa David, Stanley, Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Robert, Benjamin, Aunt Marianne, Uncle Bradford, Uncle Tim, and Aunt Christy.
Elly wasn't too sure what to think of her cake, or of everyone watching her eat it.
She mostly just poked at it, and didn't actually eat much.
Posted by The Bergquist Fam at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wee World
This post I am taking a "time out" from catching up to post about one of my favorite things! Anyone who knows me, knows I love to shop, but you also know that I love a bargain, and will not pay full price for anything (unless of course it's a NEED like medical care). You will also note that I have 4 kids, which is generally a hindrance when it comes to shopping... ENTER Wee World! This is the best place for Mom's who love to shop!
Posted by The Bergquist Fam at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Play Date with Friends
In late October we went to B/CS for a weekend, while there we were able to have a play date with our dear friends. It was a great day to be at the park and enjoy each others company. I loved catching up with Heather. I love that no matter how long it's been since our last visit we are always able to pick right back up! And the best part about play dates with this family is everyone has a friend! Our families match up perfectly-
Posted by The Bergquist Fam at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Visit from Uncle Stephen
During October my brother, Stephen, came for a week to help get some work done on the house. Which was much appreciated! Also, the kids loved having their Uncle around to play with. It was during this week that Elly fell in love... She was entranced with Stephen and would follow him around. She especially loved playing guitar with him. I am so grateful to have such a great brother! Thanks Stephen!
Posted by The Bergquist Fam at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Extended Family
In October we went to our baby cousin, Jamie's 1st Birthday party. Her and Elly are only a few weeks apart. The only difference is Jamie was supposed to be born in October and Elly not 'til of course there was a considerable size difference between the two. Both adorable though!!! It was nice to go and visit with extended family, that we don't see very often. Here is Elly with her Great Great Aunt Cris:Here are the big kids with cousins Austin and Isaiah:
Here the kids are giving Baby Jamie her gifts:
Posted by The Bergquist Fam at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Sea World in October
The whole crew (minus me) waiting for Azul to start...
Thanks Larissa & Cody!
Posted by The Bergquist Fam at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
So much to say! Part 1- with many parts to follow...
Dear blogging world, it's been awhile... too long! I enjoy blogging, it's the closest thing I have to a journal, but when push comes to shove it gets bumped to the bottom of the totem pole. So, here I am wanting to catch up but feeling overwhelmed knowing I've gotten nearly 4 months behind. I'm not going to make non-realistic goals on posting everyday or anything, but I hope that with a few posts here and there I can catch up and get back to maintaining. Wish me luck!!!
So, September 27th Dave began his new job... good news is He LOVES it! It's his dream job! bad news is it is 2 hours away, which means he lives in a hotel Mon-Fri, and we get him on the weekends. Which also means I have become a "single" mom of 4 kids. NOT EASY!!! I have a new respect for single moms of the world, I don't know how you do it! We are rapidly approaching 4 months (see a time connection to lack of posts, its no coincidence) of life like this, and it isn't getting any easier. We spent the first 2 weeks of October working like mad to get the house ready to list. We did new carpet, new paint, packing/boxing up to de-clutter, had a garage sale to de-junk, lots of deep cleaning, yard work, you name- we did it! And then it was finally ready, and let me just say... WOW! my house looks nice!!! I think so anyways. I do miss a few things though, 1. family pictures, I am a picture person and having to remove all "personal" things for listing was not exciting and 2. the baby gates!!! AHhhh! to this one, Elly is an accomplished crawler and moves fast! She can make it up the stairs okay, but it really scares me and I only let her do it if someone is right behind her. She is far from ready to get down them, and it doesn't help my fear that there is tile at the bottom of the stairs- no padding for crashes. So now anytime we move up or down I "reposition" a love seat to act as a gate. Much more complicated than locking and unlocking a baby gate would be...sigh...but it works. So the house has been listed for like I said 4 months, and has only had 3 showings, which is rather fact down right depressing. We've been assured that the market has been in a slump, and with it being the holidays there hasn't been much movement anywhere... maybe so, actually probably so, seeing as all 3 showings have been in the past few weeks, not months... but let me just say it doesn't make it any easier. Day in and out, keeping up with this! I've never been a "neat freak" not that my house was a disaster, but it has always had the "lived in" feel... and this change to cleaning every day is not my idea of fun, in fact I would say it is rather exhausting! The good news, all 3 viewings have had positive feedback. #1 loved it, only to find out they didn't qualify for it, #2 liked it, but weren't "serious" buyers, just looking, and #3 liked it, but decided to go with something larger. So one of these days someone will come along and it will be the perfect fit for them... at least that is what I keep telling myself. We are told that they are expecting a lot of movement in the market February and here is hoping! I think with that I will call it a post- this was a good synopsis on the whole house situation. No pictures this post, but here is a link to our listing if you want to see my house all clean and pretty...
Posted by The Bergquist Fam at 9:37 PM 1 comments