Monday, March 31, 2008

Friday was GREAT...but Saturday

SO Friday night we had soooo much fun having our "party"! Both of the movies were great! Saturday we had all sorts FUN family plans, but then work called. GRRR!!! Bad DAY! So Dave ended up having to work about from about 10-4. But I had hope we could still do some of the fun things. So we went to work setting up our above ground swimming pool. We knew it wasn't going to be perfect because our backyard slants, but figured it would be ok. But man it's a sad case. We decided we need to take it down, and either level our yard or build a deck. Oh well, one more thing for the day that didn't go as planned. The kids did have fun splashing and playing as we tried to fill it though, so at least that was good.


Sara said...

So Sorry! At least be happy you have the warm weather TO swim! I keep telling Isaac he has to wait till June here to open our pool. I miss swimming in March. It was something I definitely got used to. Good luck and hopefully it will all get together and level next time (stinkin' work!).

Bennett Fam said...

I'm glad y'all had a fun "party" friday. That stinks about Saturday and Work interupting your plans. That sounds like fun putting up the pool. Makes me long to be a home owner so we can do fun things like that. Hopefully you will be able to put up your pool. I'm sure it will be a big help on those hot summer days.;-)

Nicole Howard said...

You guys are such a cute family. Looks like a lot of fun.