Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Time with Mom

Wednesday we spent time with Mom, doing errands and things around the house. We also took the kids to Chuck E Cheese for a little fun. The picture of Timmy in red boots, is extra funny to me. Mom had these boots up on a shelf as a decoration, they were my sisters that she got from a friend when she was 3 and she would wear them ALL the time with EVERYTHING. It used to bug me so much that Mom let her wear them even when they didn't match, like when she would wear them with her pink little mermaid dress (another favorite) or her church dress. But now as Timmy marched around the house in them saying "my boot" and I thought of my sister and her days of not matching I got it. Timmy has a pair of bright green crocs that hardly match anything, but they are his "green shoes", and to me at this point in life it is not worth the battle. Therefore he wears them with everything just like my sister used to wear these red boots. So next time you see Timmy in Sunday clothes and green crocs, know that yes I do have church shoes for him, but it's not worth it. Thanks for a great day Mom, you are a great example, a great friend,
and just fun to be around. PS sorry I always whined so much about Laura not matching...


Abbey said...

That is funny about the boots and crocs. I know how you feel. Sometimes, it just isn't worth the battle!

Sara said...

timmy's just being fashionable :) i think green crocs with church clothes is way cool. :)

i'm at my parent's house today too :) it's always fun to be with your mom!