Thursday, January 17, 2008


I love Addy. It's so fun for me to get a glimpse into her little mind. She has an amazing imagination.

Here she told me she was Pooh Bear in her umbrella boat on her way to Rabbits house. She also offered me some honey and referred to me as Piglet.

Later in the same day, she came to me with these Little People Dinos and introduced them as her family. Dad is the big orange one, Mom is the short green one, her brother little orange, and sister little green. Then she had them all roar and had a conversation in dino talk with her "family".

Then a little later she comes to me in this yellow dress and tells me she is Belle and ready to dance with her handsome prince. She then assumes dance position and begans dancing with an imaginary prince.

And lastly, one more Addy character...she told me she was the cowboy hero from Justice League. LOL can you guess what Dave and Jimmy have been watching lately?

All this from the mind of a 3 year old!


Sara said...

all in one day! WOW!! i am impressed. what a genuine sweetheart and so creative!! abi misses addy. she talked about her just yesterday :) she asked when her birthday is b/c she claims she missed it (which she did). love the pics. thanks for sharing!!

Desi said...

Addy is just too cute! I love her imagination! That is so great that you snapped pictures of her in all of her stages, they are going to be awesome memory savers!

By the way, Jimmy was so fun yesterday at church when he realized we were sitting behind you! Rick and I really got a kick out of that!