Thursday, August 6, 2009


So once again it's been awhile. We've been in and out of town a few times, and I've also started wasting time on facebook so this poor blog has been neglected. Anyways, on to the post...

In July I found this site: anyways, it's free to sign up all your kids ages 15 and under. Choose your location, for local people it's bandera bowl, and the program runs from May 1st - Oct 31st. Anyways, you get emailed vouchers every Sunday good for 2 games of bowling per kid each day. Only cost is shoe rental, or you can bring your own if you have them. At the end of signing up your kids it gives you the opportunity to purchase a family pass for the adults and any children over 15, this pass is only $24 and covers up to 4 named "adults" doesn't even have to be a relative, could be babysitter, or friends, or whoever. So if you buy the family pass then you get those vouchers added to your email too, same as the kids 2 games per person per day. So not that we go everyday, in fact we've only been once so far. But it is a fun family outing and this program really helps with the cost. So I'd recommend it. The family pass pays for itself after 1 visit with 4 adults, or 2 visits if you are like us and only have you and your hubby signed up. Oh and thats another great thing, you can add the other named adults at any time. SO right now, ours only say Dave and Liz, but we still have 2 slots we can add whenever. The only thing is once you add the names they can't be changed. Ok enough babbling about the deal, check it out if your interested, and have FUN! We sure did!!!