Friday, August 22, 2008

Kindergarten Here We Come!

Last night we went to the school and met Jimmy's teacher. She seemed very nice. Jimmy got to see his classroom, his desk, and his cubby. He was very excited about the whole thing. We heard all about what his day will consist of...he wasn't too thrilled to hear about nap time. He hasn't napped since he was 2. But the teacher told him he could just lay there and rest if he didn't want to sleep. He told me he was very excited to do the math part of his day. He is quite the math wiz, and really enjoys it when we do math activities. Stay tuned, Monday will be his first day and there will definitely be pictures.


Nicole Howard said...

I can't believe the school year is starting on Monday. It seems it just ended..especially because my kids were gone so long.
Good luck Jimmy!! You will love it.
What school will he go to!

Sara said...

Eeeww. NAPTIME? Wow, that is crazy!!! Abi hasn't had a nap since she was 2, too. :) I say school needs to take away naptime and let them out earlier in the day (or go in later, for non-morning people!). OR, let the librarian read them stories and have story-hour for those who don't nap!! Anyhow, so glad he is excited. That is great. Does it start on Monday? Good luck!!!!