Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Look what I found on Craigslist!

Today listed under the FREE stuff on craigslist was this great post:


It's for a free massage! My cousin goes to this school and they are supposed to be doing their last sessions this weekend so they can graduate. Apparently the school has been having trouble filling the slots, so now they are offering them FREE so long as you mention the craigslist ad. It's probably luck of the draw who they stick you with, but hey free is FREE! Speaking from personal experience in attending one of these massage sessions, they are done in a professional manner, and it is a very relaxing 90 minutes! Well worth your time! So if you have free time this weekend call and schedule yourself a nice massage...and just think you are doing a service at the same time (they need you to graduate :))!


Abbey said...

got to love craigslist! That is awesome...now for getting rid of the kids so I can go get that message.

Angie said...

I just got my first professional massage the other day. Loved it!! It was so relaxing and nice to have such peaceful quiet. If it weren't for gas prices I'd be on my way to San Antonio for a free one. We could take turn watching the kids and go.