Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tag, I'm It!!

My friend Heather tagged me! So here it goes!

1. What is his name? David, Dave, Davo, Davy, Daddy...he responds to many names

2. How long have you been married? 6 years on May 10th

3. How long did you date? ummm...hard to say we were friends for a LONG time

4. Who eats more sweets? that would be me, can't deny the chocolate!

5. Who said “I love you“ first? out loud?? he did

6. Who is taller? Dave

7. Who can sing better? Dave

8.Who is smarter? It depends on what area we are talking about, but usually him

9. Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but he helps

10. Who pays the bills? Me

11.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Dave

12. Who cooks dinner? Me most of the time, but Dave can too

13. Who drives? Both

14. Who is more stubborn? Me

15. Who kissed who first? He kissed me.

16. Who asked out who first? He asked me to a Valentines Dance in 1999 but I was going to be out of town and asked for a raincheck on the date. I got one, but it was like 2 months later. We went to a dance class, and then to Swensons for dinner.

17. Who proposed? Dave on Jan 13th 2002 in the wee hours of the morning. I got the ring a few weeks later.

18. Who wears the pants? We both do