Friday, May 2, 2008

One FUN Party

Have you ever been to a murder mystery party? SOO FUN! It's like live action clue. You are given a character to play beforehand and then you dress and act as that character the whole night. We were invited to one this past weekend and had a BLAST! Here is the description of Dave's character:

COSTELLO THE ABBOT - This high, holy man recently lost his abbey and is currently earning his living as a theater critic. His scathing review of sheepsheare's play All's Well That Ends Where Everyone Dies is more often remembered than the play itself. - Costume ideas: Simple garb for a complex man. A dark-hooded robe held together by a frayed rope and sandals. A bowl haircut or wig benefits the abbot well.

So through our collaborative efforts, the dollar fabric section at walmart, and my very poor sewing skills we actually came up with a pretty cool looking monk costume! I had to show it off!
If anyone ever needs a monk costume for any reason, you know where to come to borrow one!

My character was:
OPHELIA BOTTOMSWORTH - The only survivor of a shipwreck, Ophelia is a recent arrival to England's shores. As a show of compassion, Queen Beth took the poor woman in, and now, Ophelia works as Queen Beth's trusted personal maidservant. -Costume Ideas The bright colors of a common, but flamboyant woman. A working girl's dress and boots "that are made for walking." Fragrant flowers adorn the hair, and a corset is always in order.

We didn't make much for my costume just a simple apron and then combined things already present in our closet. Here's a picture of us at the party. We had a great time! Thanks for the invite Parkers!


Bennett Fam said...

Sounds like a fun Party!! I like the monk costume. I went to one of those as a single adult activity. It was a blast! ;-)

Desi said...

So glad you came! It was so hilarous (did I spell that right?) to see everyone acting out their parts. Dave had a great monk's robe! You did great!